
andy gilman sgs krav maga instructor

Andy Gilman

Certified HKM General Instructor
Certified KMG General Instructor

Andy has spent over 25 years as a protective security professional. 

When Andy discovered Krav Maga he quickly recognised the benefits that the style provided – not only for him personally, but also for those he works and socialises with.

Andy’s Krav Maga journey started with private lessons under Steven Kratsas in 2015 and attendance to regular classes. Andy is regularly seen within the gym as Steven’s Krav Maga partner and visitors regularly can see the two workshopping techniques.

Andy has progressed throughout the ranks from Practitioner level 1 through to Practioner level 5, and after completion of his GIC in 2020 has since received the rank of Instructor Graduate Level 1.

Andy sees the value in Krav Maga, being a reality-based self-defence system, with practical and effective outcomes. 

Andy Hopes to be able to pass on his knowledge to Krav Maga to as many people, and instill the confidence and skills a person would require in order to protect themselves, if and when required.

Krav Maga has become an essential pillar in all facets of Andy’s life, and he is eager to share his passion of Krav Maga with others.