Krav Maga Blog


KMG National Training Camp

We are holding another camp in 2014, this time in September. The camp will be themed around defending in confined areas. We will have cars and buses and an emphasis on CQB scenarios.

Blood kmg

St George Shire KRAV MAGA

St George and Sutherland Shire now have a dedicated Krav Maga school. Krav Maga is a practical and effective system of self-defence. It is designed around simple, instinctive body movements, and was originally developed for the Israel Defence Force. Krav Maga’s proven success has led to its increased practice throughout

eyal yanilov

Another Day in the Office… with Eyal Yanilov

Author: Eyal Yanilov Some years ago Tommy Blom, Richard Fagan, both members of our Global and International Teams, and I were teaching a special unit somewhere out east. During one of the days we conducted different sessions in a “training village” where we practiced shooting, driving, avoiding driving vehicles, performed

Defensive kick

Teaching Women Self Defence

Teaching women self defence requires a different approach. Women are, on average, smaller and less powerful than men. A woman’s muscle is 30% weaker than a man of the same size. Comparing a 60kg, 165 cm (132lbs, 5′ 5″) woman to a 90kg, 183cm man (198lbs, 6′.) is like comparing


How Do We Change?

How do we change? The mind creates thoughts. Thoughts evolve into action. The action becomes a habit. Habits build character. The character establishes the personality. The personality affects thoughts and thus changes you and your destiny.   If you wish to achieve something do it by changing yourself. Start with