Tag: Krav maga Sydney

sgs krav maga instructors

My Krav Maga Journey

I had one of my daughter’s friends parent ask me why would I bother training in something so realistic. That I must be paranoid. I explained

eyal choke defence

Strengthening Your Grip

The following article was penned by Peter Lakatos So you pair up with this guy, and you know it is going to hurt. The subject

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First Trial Lesson is FREE!

You have nothing to lose and plenty to gain, SGS Krav Maga offer a no obligation first trial lesson FREE! So what are you waiting

Krav Maga Sydney

SGS GIC Team Complete Part 1

Well after 12 long days, the SGS Krav Maga GIC team have completed Part 1 of the GIC Instructor course. The team worked hard and